your first kiss was your first kiss goodbye
bon j o v i vrs. ♡ ♫ √
:g o n n alivemyl i f e

nato il 10 aprile 2010. espositore dei miei lavori grafici : ) ma non solo! potrete divertirvi in ot, farmi richieste e chiedermi aiuto! enjoy the club! who is nao? ama i telefilm, leggere, la musica rock tra cui: BON JOVI (♥), jimi hendrix, beatles, led zeppelin, kiss, deep purple, gnr, doors, queen, europe, skid row, motley crue & aerosmith.


:homesweeth o m e, nao³

ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info
C_OFF1111/11/2011, 10:35
In: mi dispiace :c
By: spencerhastings.

artist stuff

i walk these streets, a loaded six string on my back › grafica
1841,37329/5/2011, 12:12
In: jon bon jovi.
By: kissofdeäth

skinning time

if you're ready, i'm willing and able › skin
1725827/11/2017, 11:26
In: INCONTRI - Vietato ai minori
By: James Tufenkian

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